Yu Yashima was born at Osaka in Japan and started to play pianoforte at 3 years old. After graduated from the “Osaka College of Music”, she obtained a Post-Diploma in harpsichord at the “Toho-Gakuen College of Music”.
In 1998 she moved to Milan, enrolled at the Civica Scuola di Musica di Milano. She studied the harpsichord and the fortepiano under Laura Alvini, the basso continuo with Edoardo Bellotti, the chamber music and organ with Lorenzo Ghielmi, anode 16th italian music with Roberto Gini.
In 2001 she graduated with honors from the Civica Sucuola di Musica di Milano.
In 2006 she was awarded the first prize absolute in the harpsichord at the IX National Harpsichord Competition “G.Gambi” at Pesaro, and got also the prize for the best exhibition of the late of the 18th century’s music.
In the next year she got the diploma of maestro of harpsichord with honor from the Conservatory of Milan “Giuseppe Verdi”.
In 2014 she publicated her first CD as a soloist “Frescobaldi:Toccate, canzone e partite” from Baryton.
She collaborates with the orchestra Accademia Montis Regalis, Il Pomo d’oro, Claudio Astronio, Enrico Onofri, Enrico Gatti, Lorenzo Ghielmi, and today collaborates with Accademia Ottoboni.